External Relationships
Disability Enterprises focused on supporting the employment goals of people with disability require strong relationships with both customers (i.e., those businesses and customers who purchase goods and services from the WISE) as well as other Open Employers. People external to the organisation (for example, employers, education providers, stakeholders) play an important role in providing different forms of support. They can reinforce and broaden social and financial goals and help build organisational culture.
Creating relationships with commercial partners opens up funding opportunities.
Strong relationships can intersect with WISE programs, leading to further training and employment opportunities.
Building Shared Goals and Knowledge
Involves going on a journey with your business partners and stakeholders to break down barriers. This helps to facilitate transitions and build appropriate supports for Open Employment environments. This bridging work can also be used to define a pathway, for instance, for individuals from Disability Enterprises into Open Employment.
May arise from contacting potential and existing partners and identifying how your social enterprise can fulfill their needs as well as your own. WISEs that offer trials (i.e., in Landscaping) allow all partners to work on the right match/fit to create good work experiences.
Work with partners to set up an induction process for individuals, including briefings for all staff to build teamwork and a strengths-based culture, expectations about when the individual will be on-site (i.e., what times of the year provide the right environment to host an individual? When are the low-stress, quiet times of the year where you can provide more coaching than usual?).
In-Depth Relationships
Lasting relationships help to develop the identity of both organizations and enhance the social impact of your programs. For example, existing relationships may be developed to offer new forms of employment and associated training. Partners who have an in-depth understanding of each other are better able to leverage new work and training projects that benefit all parties involved.
Establishing a relationship of trust with your partners ensures that individuals have their rights and requirements met, and provides for a trusted Staff member to be on site who serves as a ‘go-to’ person for individuals. Relationships with employers may arise out of individuals’ own networks, such as schools, where there are already shared goals and understandings.